Using behavioural science - 4 ways to enhance customer perceptions

Behavioural science deals with human action and behaviour and it is really cool! 

People don't behave the way we expect them to (well, we expect people to be rational, but the reality is we aren't). 

So, here are 4 ways of enhancing customer perceptions using behavioural science.

1. The front-end and back-end are not created equal.

We have preferences for improvement and the ending is most dominant in our recollection. Starting off weak and improving the experience is better than being fantastic from the start. So focus on the last encounter (high end restaurants excel at this - think of those amazing desserts!)

2. Segment the pleasure, combine the pain

Events seem longer when they are segmented. So break up the pleasant experiences and combine the unpleasant ones. Think about places like Disneyland - 2 short rides are more enjoyable than 1 long ride.

3. Let the customer control the process

Giving control over the service experience enhances their satisfaction (I blame this for my addiction to made-to-order clothes!) It also works for unpleasant things - for example, letting people choose how they have blood samples drawn (sitting or laying down).

4. The punishment should fit the crime

If things go wrong (and they do), how do you recover? This depends on whether the error is a task error (that is the outcome) or a treatment error (the interpersonal process). A botched task (like a faulty product) calls for material compensation. Poor treatment calls for an apology. Definitely not the other way around. 

So there you have it, behavioural science in action. Try using these principles in your business to enhance the customer experience. 


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